These photographs are from the session with Kinga. A subject of the session was lonely girl in the fog. When we did photographs there were under the zero steps outside. I'm very proud of her! She is really good model!
I hope you'll like it! I send my lovely greetings :)
Take care :-)
the atmosphere is incredible!!
OdpowiedzUsuńI like it!!
Oh my word, these photos are beautiful! I love the theme and how brave that model is to stand in that freezing cold and still pose perfectly.
OdpowiedzUsuńAmazing work :)
cudowny klimat maja te zdjecia ;>
So cute! ♥
OdpowiedzUsuńTnx for your lovely comment, I follow you now :)
Greetings from Barcelona
Happiness Everywhere♥
bardzo mi sie podobaja te zdjecia, maja urok w sobie :)